

1、留学申请信(Application for Admittance)

Dear Sir,

I am going to graduate from Department of Computer in Huabei University in June next year.I am very eager to enter the Graduate School of your university next fall to study applied computer for Ph.D.degree.

I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a graduate catalog of your university and any other necessary information,and also a set of application forms for admission.Thank you for your kind assistance.

Sincerely yours,

Wang Feng


Dear Sir,

I was very interested in your advertisement in today's edition of The Evening Post and I should like to apply to be a member of the Amazon Expedition team.

I am twenty-three years old and have an honors degree in Botany from Bath

University. Since leaving university I have been working in a research laboratory but my contract comes to an end in six weeks. I would particularly like to join the expedition for the opportunity it would give me to study the plant life of the area.

I enjoy several outdoor activities including rowing and rock climbing and I consider myself to be both fit and healthy enough to undertake such an expedition.

If you would like me to attend an interview, I would be able to come at any time convenient to you, (J1) my employers have agreed to give me time off for the purpose.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Lily Ma

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