
It's not just human babies who like cuddling a soft toy to bring them comfort and happiness.


An infatuated seal has been hugging a toy version of itself in an adorable selection of photos after zoo staff gifted him the fluffy animal.


Delightful images show the mammal, believed to be called Hiyori, clutching the inanimate look-alike to his chest with an expression of pure joy on his face as he poses for the camera and rolls on his back.


Hiyori was handed the present by zoo staff at Mombetsu Land, an attraction in Japan's Hokkaido district. The toy was also offered to the other seals living in Seal Paradise and it seems to have been a hit all round.


Gleefully, Hiyori lets the miniature creature ride on its back and even rubs his nose against its plastic one. It appears the besotted seal may see the toy as one of its own pups.


The mammal couldn't look more content with his new toy and appears reluctant to ever let it go


A tweet by Mombetsu Land about the seal and his antics has gone on to be shared over 24,000 times

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