my dream作文(My dream英语作文70个单词)


My dream is to be a teacher when I grow up. I think being a teacher is a very good job. I can always feel young when I am with my students nomatter how old I am. I can tell the students right from wrong. I can also have lots of free time so that I can whatever I like, such as retraining, traving, reading books and so on. I should study hard so that my dream will come true.


My dream is to be a singer.When I was young,my mother asked me what you dream is?I smiled and said I want to be a singer .Then my mother take me to my aunt home.I leant from my aunt.She is a music teacher.After two years leant ,I found that I can singing well than the person who were the same old as me.Thank for I taked part in many culd,I got many change to show my sound.And got mang paries in school .Now I still study how to be a good singer.I believe that if you have dream,hold it,never give up.You will make it dream come ture one day!

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